Getting Started

Here you can find a list of the first steps you need to follow to start with the API Implementation:

  1. Join our MM Developer Slack Forum to communicate with us. What it is?

  2. Create your Seller Account account on Sandbox, which is our test environment.
    Even if you already have an account on production and are live with us using Seller Office, we still require you to create an account on the sandbox for developing your API integration. The sandbox environment is specifically designed for implementation, testing, and certification purposes.

  3. Go through the registration process. You can use fake data (except name, email address, shop name and bank data) or you can use the data from your approved account on production if you prefer to. Please also fill in:

    • Following bank details for successful KYC check:
      IBAN: DE36444488881234567890
      BIC: OSDDDE81587

  4. Approving your account & Generating API Keys: let us know via Slack (in #help-0-registration channel) the name you have registered with, so we can approve your account and you can generate your API Keys.

  5. Set up your product data file. You will need to know the category ids your product data belongs to and their attributes. General attributes can be checked in Product & Offer Data Guidelines in the Seller Help Center and specific attributes in the Service Category API.

    • As this is solely for testing purposes, you can upload up to 10 products to ensure proper integration testing. However, it’s unnecessary—and not recommended—to upload your entire product catalog on sandbox. Environemnts are not syncronized and you will need to send your complete catalog on production again.
    • Once you have sent us your product data, please let us know via Slack in #help-2-product_data channel as we need to review it manually.

  6. Afterwards you need to upload your Offers. Please, upload prices for single items and volume prices.

  7. Once you have implemented the Order Management, please let us know in the #help-5-certification channel, so we can start witht the Certification Process.