Multimarkets / Crossborders

Link to swagger documentation

  1. Which Markets are available
  2. Which cross borders options do we have?
  3. Integrate crossborders

On METRO / MAKRO Markets you can sell across borders in different countries.

We highly recommend our Service MultiMarket Central Public API to obtain the following information:

Which Markets are available?

Use GET /openapi/v1/markets to retrieve a list of all available markets and their relevant information, such as:

  • use this code to:
  • the country information of that specific market.
  • items.marketplace.url: the url of the Buyer Marketplace (provided per respective environment).
  • items.marketplace.productPageUrl: the url of the product in the Buyer Marketplace (provided per respective environment). You can get the productKey in the /openapi/v2/offers API.
  • items.regions: all regions available for that country. (Coming soon: to be used for Shipping Groups).

Which cross borders options do we have?

Use the GET /openapi/v1/origins API to retrieve the information about from which country to which country you can sell on the marketplace. This information is given generally for the marketplace (not on seller level).

You will get a detailed list containing the following information:

  • country of origin.
  • items.destinations: country of destination.

This list will be regularly updated as we continue to enable new cross-border country combinations."

Integrate crossborders

After having this information you can do the crossborders integration.

Steps to follow

  1. Provide product data for the market you intend to sell in. (For example, if you are currently selling in Germany and wish to expand to Spain, ensure you provide product data specifically for Spain. For more detailed information, refer to this link).

  2. Submit offer data specifying the origin and destination of the goods. For example, if you intend to sell from Germany to Spain, provide the following details: Origin: DE_MAIN, destination: ES_MAIN).

In case your seller account is not activated for a cross border combination:

  • Product data: you will receive no error.
  • Offer data: you will get a http status code 403 Forbidden error with the following body: "error": "Cross-border trade is not activated in the Seller Office".