Price Guard

1. What is Price Guard?

Our Price Guard feature is designed to help sellers avoid financial losses by preventing the publication of an offer when the new offer price drops by more than 50% compared to the previous offer. This safeguard ensures that sellers do not inadvertently sell items at a substantial loss.

If you’ve encountered the following error when using the POST openapi/v2/offer endpoint:

Error: “Please check your price. Offer is rejected because the price has dropped by 50% or more. Offer price reduction not more than 50% at a time is allowed."

the answers below can help you understand why this is happening and how to avoid it.

2.Common Questions and Answers

Q: What is this error, and why does it occur?

A: This error serves as a protection mechanism to prevent significant price drops that could lead to losses or mass cancellations. It ensures that no single price drop exceeds 50%.

Q: Can I disable this protection?

A: No, this protection cannot be disabled. If you need to decrease your price by more than 50%, you must do so in two steps: first, deactivate the existing offer using the DELETE openapi/v2/offer endpoint, and then create a new offer using the POST openapi/v2/offer endpoint.

Q: I dropped the price by less than 50%, but I still received this error. Why?

A: The error may occur because the total price drop is calculated, which includes the shipping cost. Use the following formula to check the total price drop (example values are for illustration purposes):

Rejection condition formula:

(currentPrice + currentShippingCost - newPrice - newShippingCost) / currentPrice * 100% > 50%


- `currentPrice`: 50
- `currentShippingCost`: 10
- `newPrice`: 30
- `newShippingCost`: 3

(50 + 10 - 30 - 3) / 50 * 100% = 54% (price change is rejected)

Q: When is this protection logic triggered?

A: Starting from July 18, 2024, this protection logic will only be triggered when the net price is decreased. Previously, rejections could occur even if the net price did not decrease, such as in cases of significant shipping cost reductions.